Neon Daze
Song Introduction: "Neon Daze" "Neon Daze" intricately portrays the solitude and sense of loss felt by young individuals in modern Japanese society, alongside their complex emotions as they navigate these challenges. The backdrop of this song is a city illuminated by the interplay of light and shadow, where people gather nightly to escape the pain and sorrow of their everyday lives. The lyrics describe a protagonist wandering the city, drawn to the neon lights like a firefly seeking solace. Everyday symbols such as the fluorescent lights of convenience stores and the glow of arcade games resonate deeply with the protagonist's inner world, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. Themes of fleeting encounters, repeated partings, and transient joy capture the unstable rhythm of their lives. This song suggests that the seemingly impulsive choice to "live only for the moment" stems from a deeper despair about the future and a loss of life's meaning. The neon-lit city's allure masks a profound emptiness, yet the persistence of those drawn to its glow evokes a poignant sense of shared humanity. "Neon Daze" encapsulates the poetic beauty of urban nights and the hidden struggles of those who inhabit them, delivering a message that resonates universally. Through its evocative soundscape, the song invites listeners to reflect on their own experiences and the world around them. 作品紹介: "Neon Daze" 『Neon Daze』は、日本の現代社会における若者の孤独や喪失感、そしてそれに立ち向かう彼らの複雑な感情を繊細に描いた楽曲です。この作品の背景には、夜の街に漂う光と影、そして日々の苦しみや悲しみから逃れようとする人々の姿があります。 歌詞では、ネオンに引き寄せられる蛍のように、心の行き場を探し求めて街を彷徨う主人公の視点が描かれています。コンビニの蛍光灯やゲームセンターの明かりといった現代的な象徴が、彼らの心象風景とリンクし、現実と幻想の狭間を行き来する物語を形作っています。新しい出会い、繰り返される別れ、そしてその一瞬一瞬の中で見いだされる儚い楽しさ――これらが、彼らの不安定な日常を映し出しています。 また、この楽曲では「今だけを楽しむ」という一見刹那的な選択が、実は未来への絶望や生きる意味を見失った結果であることが示唆されています。夜の街の輝きに潜む虚無感、そしてそれでもなおその光に惹かれる人々の姿が、深い共感を呼び起こします。 この作品は、夜の街に潜む一種の詩的な美しさと、その裏に潜む苦悩や葛藤を音楽を通じて表現したものです。聴く人それぞれが、自分自身や周囲の世界について深く考えさせられるきっかけとなるでしょう。 Video: dream-machine Editing: Adobe PremiumPro Composed by: Udio + FLSTUDIO Lyrics by: amanojak
This is a presentation video. My PFP has been painted for different NFT artists, me drawn in different versions. T his video is a mix of these hand-made artworks, adding the magic of the AI with LulaLabs DreamMachine tools to transform every picture in the next one, Digital tools as CapCut to edit and add the sound.
Preview of War...available to purchase if you want to support!
🏔👑 King in the North 👑🏔
Witness the legend of Jon Snow come to life. ⚔️✨ Experience the magic of AI art and Synthography Created with Midjourney and Luma Dream Machine , enhanced with precise Camera Control, Keyframes, and subtle edits in Premiere Pro. 🎶 Music: Ramin Djawadi - Main Titles 🗣 Lines: Game of Thrones Follow for more epic AI art content!
Neon Daze
Song Introduction: "Neon Daze" "Neon Daze" intricately portrays the solitude and sense of loss felt by young individuals in modern Japanese society, alongside their complex emotions as they navigate these challenges. The backdrop of this song is a city illuminated by the interplay of light and shadow, where people gather nightly to escape the pain and sorrow of their everyday lives. The lyrics describe a protagonist wandering the city, drawn to the neon lights like a firefly seeking solace. Everyday symbols such as the fluorescent lights of convenience stores and the glow of arcade games resonate deeply with the protagonist's inner world, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. Themes of fleeting encounters, repeated partings, and transient joy capture the unstable rhythm of their lives. This song suggests that the seemingly impulsive choice to "live only for the moment" stems from a deeper despair about the future and a loss of life's meaning. The neon-lit city's allure masks a profound emptiness, yet the persistence of those drawn to its glow evokes a poignant sense of shared humanity. "Neon Daze" encapsulates the poetic beauty of urban nights and the hidden struggles of those who inhabit them, delivering a message that resonates universally. Through its evocative soundscape, the song invites listeners to reflect on their own experiences and the world around them. 作品紹介: "Neon Daze" 『Neon Daze』は、日本の現代社会における若者の孤独や喪失感、そしてそれに立ち向かう彼らの複雑な感情を繊細に描いた楽曲です。この作品の背景には、夜の街に漂う光と影、そして日々の苦しみや悲しみから逃れようとする人々の姿があります。 歌詞では、ネオンに引き寄せられる蛍のように、心の行き場を探し求めて街を彷徨う主人公の視点が描かれています。コンビニの蛍光灯やゲームセンターの明かりといった現代的な象徴が、彼らの心象風景とリンクし、現実と幻想の狭間を行き来する物語を形作っています。新しい出会い、繰り返される別れ、そしてその一瞬一瞬の中で見いだされる儚い楽しさ――これらが、彼らの不安定な日常を映し出しています。 また、この楽曲では「今だけを楽しむ」という一見刹那的な選択が、実は未来への絶望や生きる意味を見失った結果であることが示唆されています。夜の街の輝きに潜む虚無感、そしてそれでもなおその光に惹かれる人々の姿が、深い共感を呼び起こします。 この作品は、夜の街に潜む一種の詩的な美しさと、その裏に潜む苦悩や葛藤を音楽を通じて表現したものです。聴く人それぞれが、自分自身や周囲の世界について深く考えさせられるきっかけとなるでしょう。 Video: dream-machine Editing: Adobe PremiumPro Composed by: Udio + FLSTUDIO Lyrics by: amanojak
This is a presentation video. My PFP has been painted for different NFT artists, me drawn in different versions. T his video is a mix of these hand-made artworks, adding the magic of the AI with LulaLabs DreamMachine tools to transform every picture in the next one, Digital tools as CapCut to edit and add the sound.
Preview of War...available to purchase if you want to support!
🏔👑 King in the North 👑🏔
Witness the legend of Jon Snow come to life. ⚔️✨ Experience the magic of AI art and Synthography Created with Midjourney and Luma Dream Machine , enhanced with precise Camera Control, Keyframes, and subtle edits in Premiere Pro. 🎶 Music: Ramin Djawadi - Main Titles 🗣 Lines: Game of Thrones Follow for more epic AI art content!
Neon Daze
Song Introduction: "Neon Daze" "Neon Daze" intricately portrays the solitude and sense of loss felt by young individuals in modern Japanese society, alongside their complex emotions as they navigate these challenges. The backdrop of this song is a city illuminated by the interplay of light and shadow, where people gather nightly to escape the pain and sorrow of their everyday lives. The lyrics describe a protagonist wandering the city, drawn to the neon lights like a firefly seeking solace. Everyday symbols such as the fluorescent lights of convenience stores and the glow of arcade games resonate deeply with the protagonist's inner world, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. Themes of fleeting encounters, repeated partings, and transient joy capture the unstable rhythm of their lives. This song suggests that the seemingly impulsive choice to "live only for the moment" stems from a deeper despair about the future and a loss of life's meaning. The neon-lit city's allure masks a profound emptiness, yet the persistence of those drawn to its glow evokes a poignant sense of shared humanity. "Neon Daze" encapsulates the poetic beauty of urban nights and the hidden struggles of those who inhabit them, delivering a message that resonates universally. Through its evocative soundscape, the song invites listeners to reflect on their own experiences and the world around them. 作品紹介: "Neon Daze" 『Neon Daze』は、日本の現代社会における若者の孤独や喪失感、そしてそれに立ち向かう彼らの複雑な感情を繊細に描いた楽曲です。この作品の背景には、夜の街に漂う光と影、そして日々の苦しみや悲しみから逃れようとする人々の姿があります。 歌詞では、ネオンに引き寄せられる蛍のように、心の行き場を探し求めて街を彷徨う主人公の視点が描かれています。コンビニの蛍光灯やゲームセンターの明かりといった現代的な象徴が、彼らの心象風景とリンクし、現実と幻想の狭間を行き来する物語を形作っています。新しい出会い、繰り返される別れ、そしてその一瞬一瞬の中で見いだされる儚い楽しさ――これらが、彼らの不安定な日常を映し出しています。 また、この楽曲では「今だけを楽しむ」という一見刹那的な選択が、実は未来への絶望や生きる意味を見失った結果であることが示唆されています。夜の街の輝きに潜む虚無感、そしてそれでもなおその光に惹かれる人々の姿が、深い共感を呼び起こします。 この作品は、夜の街に潜む一種の詩的な美しさと、その裏に潜む苦悩や葛藤を音楽を通じて表現したものです。聴く人それぞれが、自分自身や周囲の世界について深く考えさせられるきっかけとなるでしょう。 Video: dream-machine Editing: Adobe PremiumPro Composed by: Udio + FLSTUDIO Lyrics by: amanojak