
NFTV S3 E7 - Nem Perez & Sway Molina | Our T2 Remake 1 Year Anniversary

NFTV S3 E7 with Nem Perez and Sway Molina was one of our favorite episodes yet. Tune in and meet two visionary creators—producers, directors, and artists—behind Our T2 Remake, the boldest AI film project to date. 🎬🔥 Watch Our T2 Remake on Rad TV: https://rad.live/watch/feature/3a457e3e-87f1-4607-bf70-38a9c92ab5fe/ https://www.t2remake.com/ Follow Nem: https://x.com/NemPerez https://nemperez.com/ Follow Sway: https://x.com/swaymolina https://swaymolina.com/ Ready to start your creator journey? Ready to start monetizing? Click 'Create' at the top of the page!
